Hillary's Greatest Debate Moments
In anticipation of the first Presidential debate between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Donald Trump, here are some of Hillary’s greatest debate moments. I’m not sure Trump knows what’s coming for him. And...
View ArticleWTF
I dont even know what to think when I read something like this:www.thehill.com/…Donald Trump questioned Hillary Clinton's record on women's and children's issues Thursday, saying she hasn't done enough...
View ArticleWhat Happened to Hillary's Lead?
After the Democratic convention, many Democrats breathed a sigh of relief because it appeared that Hillary Clinton had an "insurmountable" 8-point lead over Donald Trump. Two months later, that lead...
View ArticlePhone Bank! It's Easy and Fun (Most of the Time)
Every Thursday I host a phone bank at my home in Springfield, OR. We spend 2 hours calling Nevada, and doing volunteer recruitment calls. The best part of doing it from home is the convenience and...
View ArticleSwing state Giant trump head tour
Giant Trump Head media tour arrives at Hofstra University.We’ve traveled through Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania wearing our large papier mache’ trump head. At events in Toledo, Columbus, Cincinnati,...
View ArticleTen Thoughts About the Debate
Whew! Even though I expected Hillary Clinton to win the first presidential debate with Donald Trump, watching it was a nerve-wracking experience. Here are my first thoughts about the debate:Hillary...
View ArticleI'm breathing a bit easier now the I KNOW Trump lost debate #1
Background I have a mellow side and state road commute from an affluent liberal Metro West suburb of Boston through some blue collar semi-rural suburbs to my tech job near I-495. I almost always drive...
View ArticleI'm just a girl.
“You’re just a girl.” Remember that phrase? How long has it been since you last heard it? Has it been said to you? Has it been said to your daughter, niece, granddaughter? Do you remember what hearing...
View ArticleShame on my body?
When I was in school I was the littlest one in my class. Scrawny, bespectacled, and bookish. I didn’t “blossom” during middle school like all the other girls were doing and was roundly accused of being...
View ArticleThe Clintons Get Results: How Hillary Can Take the Offense on Trade, Jobs and...
The one area cited as a weakness in Hillary’s debate performance revolved around NAFTA and trade agreements. Trump repeatedly cited NAFTA as a reason to vote against Hillary — especially if you are a...
View ArticleWish the Donald had enough brains to be scared
Really appreciated www.dailykos.com/…’s diary, “Ah-Hah has arrived”—I wouldn’t say “enjoyed,” it’s not that sort of a diary. Too personal, drawing too much on real, painful times. But a great read,...
View ArticleIs It Possible to Reconcile with Trump Voters
The last question asked in the October 4th vice-presidential was on a subject all Americans should worry about: "It has been a divisive campaign... if your ticket wins, what specifically are you going...
View Article"I'm not voting for President Trump, I'm voting for President Pence." Oh...
SANDBAGGER: My family’s term for people who win a card game (in this case, usually a game called “Pitch”) by staying in the background, not risking anything. They never bid if there’s any risk that...
View ArticleThe 2nd Debate: Hillary Stares Down a Bully
It was the presidential debate I expected but hoped wouldn't happen. In the October 9th St. Louis debate, Donald Trump was vicious. He threw the proverbial kitchen sink at Hillary Clinton; hurling...
View ArticleMy response to people pushing the "they're equally as bad" meme on social media
This diary isn't targeted at daily kos readers but rather my response to the many friends on my social media who are pushing the lazy false equivalence memes.One of the most frustrating things I've...
View ArticleCarpet Bombing the Clintons
This is really hard to believe. www.nytimes.com/...®ion=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well&_r=0The organization filed its first lawsuit against the Clintons shortly after its formation in 1994, and...
View ArticleTrump's October Surprise
With less than a month before the November 8th election, the tone of the presidential race is so acrimonious that many voters are turned off. Nonetheless, everyone who is serious about US democracy...
View ArticleEnough!
I have had enough. I have asked why I’m an insult, I have asked why I’m portrayed as inferior, a toy, disposable… I have tried to get people to think about why women are portrayed as objects, why men...
View ArticleFirst Trump Came for Mexicans, but I Didn’t Speak Up. Then They Came for Me ....
I bought this poster at Revolution Books on Durant and Telegraph in Berkeley and I had it on my wall throughout college. I suppose I was attracted to message because I am a journalist and a writer, so...
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