I dont even know what to think when I read something like this:
Donald Trump questioned Hillary Clinton's record on women's and children's issues Thursday, saying she hasn't done enough with the time she has been in public office.
"My opponent Hillary likes to say that for decades she's been fighting for women, that she's been fighting for children," Trump said at a rally in Chester Township, Pa.
"Why then are 70 million American women and children living in poverty or on the brink of poverty? She's been there for a long time."
Clinton often highlights the work she has done for women and children while on the campaign trail, frequently mentioning that she got her start working at the Children's Defense Fund after law school.
And she often points to Trump's past of making derogatory comments toward various women.
But Trump on Thursday accused Clinton of embellishing the work she has done for women and children.
How does this carny clown get away this shit?