65 days til the election, reason #35/100 why we all should vote for Hillary:
She handled the Republican-led hate mob called the Benghazi committee like a BOSS. This was a defining moment in her campaign, but not in the way Gowdy and his gang intended it to be. If they thought subjecting her to an extended grilling would cause her to melt down and give them some weapon they could use to blow up her primary run, they were dead wrong. She remained calm and cool, except for when she let her temper flare to prove a point or when she burst into laughter at a frankly ridiculous question. For many watching, this may have been the moment that the switch was flipped and they finally saw her as "presidential."
Even the conservative press had to grudgingly give her props.
(I am not linking to the sources because I do not want to send clicks their way, but these quotes are easily googlable.)
Mrs. Clinton too is far too bright to be trapped in this or any questions. (Erick Erickson, conservative blogger)
And it must be said: She was impressive. Clinton was unflappable... (Stephen Hayes, The Weekly Standard)
The Guardian said "The House Republicans didn’t fail for want of trying" and illustrates her command of the room with this exchange:
" Representative Peter Roskam became irritated when Clinton looked at her notes as he asked her a lengthy question about a 2011 memo.
“I can pause while you’re reading your notes from your staff,” the Illinois Republican said.
Clinton snapped back: “I can do more than one thing at a time, congressman.”
Looking back at this time, I am reassured by the knowledge that Clinton is very, very smart and very experienced with dealing with the legions who want to drag her down. We may be taken by surprise by the “scandal du jour” but, just like the "gotchas" that the Benghazi committee tried to spring on here, none of this is news to her or her staff. She’s got this.