Do you ever wonder what Rosie O’Donnell did that made thin-skinned Donald Trump so mad to where he still carries a vendetta and grudge against her to this very day?
In other words, if you want to know how to get under Donald Trump’s skin, follow Rosie O’Donnell’s lead. There’s a lot that can be learned about Trump’s psychology from his feud with Rosie, something I would draw all of his opponents to.
December 2006
When Trump decided not to fire Miss USA Tara Conner after revelations of drug use, underage drinking and sexual activities, the co-owner of the Miss USA pageant raised some eyebrows.
"I've always been a believer in second chances. Tara is a good person. Tara has tried hard. Tara is going to be given a second chance," Trump said on December 19. Conner was allowed to keep her crown but had to go to rehab.
The next day O'Donnell, who was a co-host of "The View" at the time, criticized his decision, saying that she doesn't "enjoy" Trump and said he went bankrupt -- a claim Trump continues to deny, most recently at Thursday's GOP debate.
She added that Trump is "not a self-made man" but a "snake-oil salesman on Little House On The Prairie," and she proceeded to slam his multiple marriages: "[He] left the first wife -- had an affair. [He] had kids both times, but he's the moral compass for 20-year-olds in America. Donald, sit and spin, my friend."
Following those comments, Trump fired back at the comedian and told People Magazine that O'Donnell is "a real loser" and "a woman out of control."
Here is Rosie on The View in 2007 explaining why she doesn’t like this “snake-oil salesman” who was given multiple business chances due to unethical, immoral bankruptcy laws, a loan of a million dollars from his Father, and was bailed-out [yet again], for the second time, due to his Father’s inheritance money [while those underneath Trump didn’t come out so well]. A true Daddy’s boy.
“This is not a self-made man.” ~Rosie O’Donnell
Rosie delivers a spot-on impression of “The Donald.”
After Rosie did this, Trump dehumanized her. He attacked Rosie’s weight, sexuality, and gender. He compared her to an animal and tried to bully her into submission. But as it stands, the feud is still as red-hot today as it was back in 2006.
When Trump vindictively bullied Rosie during the first Republican debate, and subsequently dehumanized Megyn Kelly by saying she had blood coming out of her “wherever,”Rosie shot back that she’d like to smear her period blood [which she says she unfortunately no longer has] “all over some people’s faces, OK?”Recently, Rosie declared Trump’s candidacy a,“Nightmare.” —“That’s my quote!”
Right now, Donald Trump is doing what he always does and did to Rosie O’Donnell many years ago — bully those he believes have “wronged” him; even if his bullying is on the unethical basis of gender, sexuality, profession, race, religion, and now physical disability — he will use anything he can, no matter how disgusting, to degrade and dehumanize those he perceives have “slighted” him. Any means necessary to acquire power.
Mr. Trump is unafraid to use unethical means meant to psychologically damage you in order to suppress and intimate you. He is someone who possesses deep-rooted problems and will use his power to scare his opponents into submission; opponents he [wrongly] believes have “done him wrong.” A thin-skin from a small man.
Maybe this is the result of being born with a silver-spoon in his mouth — a result of realizing he would be nowhere without the support of his Father. Maybe this has resulted in Mr. Trump always trying to defend and justify his ego, an ego that is inherently undeserved and unjustified. What a torturous mentality, Mr. Trump… always trying to validate something that can never be validated. Only seeming to feel big when making others feel small.
The reporter that Trump is currently attempting to use to justify his claim that he saw “thousands” of Muslims celebrating on 9/11 in New Jersey never said “thousands” of Muslims were cheering in New Jersey on 9/11. A small number [nowhere near “thousands”] of Muslims were rumored to have been seen celebrating, a story that was widely debunked as merely a rumor days later. What Trump said happened in New Jersey *NEVER* happened.
Yet, according to Trump, he has received hundreds of calls to Trump Tower from “eye-witnesses” saying that it did, indeed, happen. Trump is actually using hearsay from mysterious eye-witnesses calling into Trump Tower as “evidence” to support his claim. Oh, and we can’t forget Trump-loyalists on Twitter that are currently validating Trump’s alternate reality. But this is exactly what a demagogue does, right? They say and do anything to acquire power, no matter how unethical.
Kovaleski's story said authorities had detained "a number of people" in Jersey City who had allegedly been seen at celebrations. But the allegations were never found to be true, and in any event the story didn't prove that Trump watched anyone cheering.
When asked about the controversy, Kovaleski said in a statement, "I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating."
He was implicitly discrediting Trump, and the GOP candidate was incensed by it.
"You oughta see this guy -- 'uh, I don't know what I said, uh, I don't remember,'" Trump said at a rally on Tuesday, while flailing his arms.
Mr. Trump has a habit of trying to repeat something over-and-over again so you begin to accept his revisionist history as fact. Donald is repeatedly saying he would never mock a disabled person, even though he clearly mocked the disability of Serge F. Kovaleski. And for Trump to say he doesn’t “remember him” is a moot-point in the age of Google.
As Judge Judy would say, “Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining.”
Everyone with common sense and two eyes knows exactly what you did, Donald. Now you’re denying doing exactly what everyone knows you did. This is what a propaganda artists does.
Trump did the same thing when he said he wasn’t referring to Megyn Kelly’s vagina and menstrual cycle when he said she had blood coming out of her “wherever” during the first Republican debate. According to Trump, he was referring to blood coming out of Megyn’s “ears.”
Trump also said he wasn’t referring to Carly Fiorina’s looks when he said, “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?” Instead, Trump said he was referring to Carly’s “persona.”
I’m sensing a pretty obvious pattern here. Do something — then deny doing it. Tricky, tricky, Mr. Trump. And if people don’t start calling out his unethical tactics that are rooted in psychologically harming others and inciting hate, and if he gets close to becoming President, I’m pulling an Albert Einstein.
Remember how Albert Einstein saw the writing on the wall for Germany? Well, I hate to be dramatic, but Trump and his supporters frighten me in a very similar way.
Recently, Trump inspired two supporters to humiliate and dehumanize a Hispanic man:
Two brothers from South Boston were arrested and charged with beating the 58-year-old man, who is homeless, with a metal pole, breaking his nose and battering his chest and arms, The Boston Globe reported.
One of the bigot attackers said, “Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported.”
Trump’s response?
“It would be a shame. I will say that people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.”
Hardly a forceful condemnation.
Another one of Donald Trump’s victims, Megyn Kelly, received death threats from his supporters.
Trump’s response?
“I had heard that had happened. But I have gained such respect for the people that like me and respect me and that like my views, it’s incredible.”
When a Black Lives Matter protester interrupted one of Trump’s rallies recently, Trump encouraged his supporters as they beat the protester, “get him the hell out of here!” Later, Trump said maybe the man “should have been roughed up.”
Donald Trump is using nationalism, racism, sexism, hate, and propaganda to acquire power and fuel extremism in our country. HIs quest for power is rooted and propelled in hate speech and tactics of bullying. Whether he wins or not, this type of vitriol should be alarming and a warning to all Americans — this man is dangerous. People’s lives are now in jeopardy.
As a country, we have allowed one man —the very embodiment of everything wrong in our country— to acquire so much wealth and power [based on family inheritance and immoral bankruptcy laws], that he is able to proudly and freely fan the flames of vitriolic violence in our nation.
Do not underestimate a propaganda artist embracing the “cult-of-personality” tactic that so many have used to acquire power with before.
This is NATIONALISM being used for evil on display in modern American politics. Donald Trump is a PROPAGANDA artist in the worst way possible. He is using nationalism, misogyny, and his “authenticity” of being a mentally deranged bully to breed extremism in the United States of America.
Donald Trump is fanning the flames of extremism in the worst way possible thanks to the culture Fox News has created. Him and his supporters get off on his derogatory and dehumanizing behavior towards women, Hispanics, and other marginalized groups such as the disabled. The more outrageous, the more they love him. Trump is appealing to people’s frustrations, and scapegoating immigrants to gain power.
Donald Trump is also using intimidation tactics towards opponents, similar to that of the Gestapo in Nazi Germany. Trump wants to use a “deportation force”to rid our nation of 11 million people.
Donald Trump’s lawyer:
“You’re talking about the front-runner for the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never raped anybody. And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you can’t rape your spouse.”
Donald Trump’s lawyer:
“You write a story that has Mr. Trump’s name in it, with the word ‘rape,’ and I’m going to mess your life up…for as long as you’re on this frickin’ planet…you’re going to have judgments against you, so much money, you’ll never know how to get out from underneath it. Tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting.”
Donald Trump on Bernie Sanders and #BlackLivesMatter:
“That showed such weakness — the way he [Bernie Sanders] was taken away by two young women.
I would never give up my microphone. I thought that was disgusting. I felt badly for him, but it showed that he’s weak.
That will never happen with me. I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself, or if other people will, but that was a disgrace.”
When Donald Trump says “Make America Great Again”…what he means is, we should go back to a time where you can legally rape your wife [allegedly].
Say whatever you want about Hillary Rodham Clinton, but she has been consistently standing up against Donald Trump’s vitriol since the very beginning of his campaign.
Hillary called out Donald Trump on his very first dehumanizing and derogatory comments towards immigrants:
Hillary called out Donald Trump when he said Megyn Kelly had blood coming out of her“wherever”:
“I think the guy went way overboard – offensive, outrageous – pick your adjective.”
~Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hillary is one of the few people that isn’t afraid to go toe-to-toe with Mr. Trump and call him out for his disgusting comments. He may have bodyguards that kick out journalists in his fantasy Fascist news conference, but I wouldn’t want to mess with Bill and Hillary’s Secret Service team. Hillary will never be intimidated by Mr. Trump.
Before the first Democratic debate, she appeared at a Union rally right at the footsteps of his Las Vegas hotel:
Go Hillary Go!!
Watching Hillary take Donald to task is very satisfying.
“I’m calling on him and anybody else who is seeking the highest office of the land to start behaving like a president – to show respect and to stand up for the truth.
He knew or he should have known that what that man was asking was not only way out of bounds, it was untrue, and he should have from the beginning repudiated that kind of rhetoric, that level of hatefulness in a questioner in an audience that he was appearing before.
If that person had been at my event, I would have called him out on it. Not only is it out of place and wrong, it is totally factually untrue and quit impugning the integrity of the president.
I would call on him [Mr. Trump] and all the candidates to stop this dissent into the kind of hateful, mean-spirited, divisive rhetoric that we have seen too much of in the last months.”
~Hillary Rodham Clinton
“I think it’s prejudice. I think it’s discriminatory.
I think it comes out of the same unfortunate reservoir of hateful rhetoric that we’ve seen too much of where people are being set against each other. And that has no place in our politics. We have serious issues to deal with in the years ahead.”
~Hillary Rodham Clinton
Below is Hillary Clinton defending Planned Parenthood and mocking Donald Trump on women’s issues. Clinton said GOP policies on women“dead wrong in 21st century America” — ridicules them for saying she’s playing the “gender card.”
And the way she balances between mocking him and calling out his hate is the perfect way to destroy him politically. I can’t wait for the Clinton machine to kick into high-gear and really hit him where it hurts. This clown needs to go bankrupt a few more companies and make some more products in China.
Mr. Trump inherited his success from his families wealth [200+ million dollars], unlike the Clintons who built their success side-by-side, dating back to their days at Yale Law and Hillary’s work at the Children’s Defense Fund. The Clintons, not Trump, embody the American dream of working your way from the bottom to the top [and they are the only couple that has ever had a chance of reaching the top twice]. Trump was born on third base but thinks he hit a triple.
Hillary Rodham Clinton on Mr. Trump’s “demagoguery”:
Perfectly stated, Hillary.
“He has been stoking prejudice and paranoia. He’s been really appealing to the worst instincts of human nature. I think it’s dangerous. His demagoguery is no longer amusing.
He’s called me a lot of things now that he’s running against me. Before he called me a great Senator and a great Secretary of State.
That’s what a demagogue does, right? They say whatever they need to say to try to stir up the passions of people.”
~Hillary Rodham Clinton
In this rare clip, Hillary declares she has hated bullies like Donald Trump ever since she was a little girl — “I do not like bullies”:
Recently, Hillary cited her Mother Dorothy as forming the core of why she continues to fight for those who are invisible, despite being knocked down and attacked daily since the early 1990s.
Many have mocked Hillary’s video “Dorothy.”But what I see is someone who is authentic — the hardships her Mother faced as a child led Hillary to the Children’s Defense Fund. Hillary then helped to create and pass the Children’s Health Insurance Program as First Lady, giving 8+ million children health insurance.
History will look at Hillary Clinton as someone who never gave up and continued to succeed, despite being knocked down over and over again. She will be seen as a polarizing trailblazer who finally found her voice — leading to eventual success as First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State.
Once in positions of power, Hillary is ruthless when it comes to effectively advocating for her positions and destroying the opposition. This is why Republicans have fought (and failed) to stop her political career from climbing to new heights.
Hillary's resilience is unparalleled. She bounces back in the face of defeat because she's smart, articulate, and tough.
Many of Hillary's colleagues have often noted that she is almost always the most knowledgeable person in the room about any given issue. Her knowledge, persistence, and stamina is an unstoppable combination. Her perseverance, despite being attacked daily for the last 30 years, is a testament to her political skill and brilliance.
Former President Bill Clinton, the other half of this political powerhouse, often describes Hillary as the most competent person in his generation. I couldn't agree more. So although she may have been too polarizing to win the Presidency in 2008, we can all be certain that if given the opportunity, she would have been one of the most competent and successful President's in our lifetime. And I hope she is given another chance in 2016.
“Hillary Clinton is really an unbelievable rock when it comes to bullying.
When I think about her as a woman and what she’s gone up against in her entire career— the constant bullying, the constant badmouthing, the things that they say and the judgement is just so huge.
I truly admire the way she’s managed herself because that can’t be easy.”
~Sasha Alexander
Hillary refuses to quit and won’t back down to anyone, including proud bully Donald J. Trump. Hillary will always stand up for those that are invisible — for those that are being bullied by Mr. Trump.
Hillary is not afraid to speak out.