Channel: hillary2016
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Do dKos distractions keep us from action?


Yes, polls are all over the place. Yes, maybe not so bad. But I find the polling trends grim. Nate @538 projecting a Trump win as of today.  How can this be — against Trump, an anti-intellectual billionaire grifter par Sarah Palin, but at the top of the ticket?  Trump, well-described by Huffington Post

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liarrampant xenophoberacistmisogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims ― 1.6 billion members of an entire religion ― from entering the U.S.A

As I reflect upon the conversations here in our dKos Community over the last 7 months, how many dramatic diaries have proclaimed the demise of the GOP (not happening, clearly many voters are rallying around authoritarianism), or Trump’s clear lack of viability due to X (where X =  any or all behaviors disqualifying-to-other-candidates-in-other-years but that do not hurt Trump), or the disaster that was the RNC (he got polling bounces out of that ridiculous week!)? I cannot even watch 5 minutes of CNN and MSNBC, they have so normalized Trump — the media fix is absolutely in. 

Can we stop talking about getting popcorn to watch the latest supposedly damaging Republican sideshow and start describing actions we took to stop the rise of authoritarianism, for example, social-media-coordinated rapid response, or boycotts of CNN and MSNBC, who now jump to Trump every time he speaks, anywhere?

Can we stop ignoring data that seems to confirm Hillary’s weaknesses as a candidate, and instead contribute to ways to concretely address those weaknesses, for example, her confronting the email issues head-on and proposing a cybersecurity-across-the-government summit (made more obvious by the DWS/DNC mess), or a more coherent counter-TPP proposal? The platform committee, Bernie, Elizabeth, Joe, Barack, and Tim seem to be doing their parts ….

Can we focus most diaries on what we can do, individually and collectively, to save us from this grave threat? To practice what I am preaching, today I: 

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