Girl, I am thinking about you lately. I know you must be worried about this e-mail stuff just a little bit. Hang in there, it’ll blow over… hopefully. Anyway, the last thing you needed was this Panama Papers crap. I’m thinking the same thing you are: are they gonna find your name in there somewhere? You must be needing some Xanax to get through the anxiety of all this stuff. But you’re my Hillary, I know you’ll march on.
I wouldn’t worry about anybody remembering how hard you lobbied for that U.S. Panama trade agreement back when you were Secretary of State. That was eons ago, when your hair was still long! It’s not like anybody is even thinking about that “Know Your Client” rule written into the agreement, changing Panamanian law regarding the anonymity of account holders, keeping identities a secret through Saul Goodman tactics. No worries, girl.
I think everyone needs to lay off this “Hillary is corrupt” stuff. It’s not like Saint Bernie creates legal loopholes for stashing funds offshore to avoid paying taxes. Bernie doesn’t care about the job creators like you do, Hill. We know how true you are.
Are you gonna grow your hair long again? I’m dying to know. Later!