61 days til the election, reason #39/100 why we all should vote for Hillary
Her record shows not just talk about supporting the military, but action.
As U.S. Senator for New York, she sat on the Senate Armed Forces committee and used that position to push for a variety of measures:
Clinton lobbied against several installation closures. She introduced the Heroes at Home Act of 2006, which fought to establish new services for service members suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury. She amended the 2007 Defense Appropriations Act to establish a TBI caregiver training curriculum for DoD and VA hospitals. She helped expand health care coverage for Reservists and National Guard members so they could still use military health care when not deployed. Clinton helped to introduce the Family and Medical Leave Act to protect family members of wounded service members. Clinton sponsored legislation that expanded benefits to surviving spouses. She also helped introduce a bill that increased the death gratuity from $12,000 to $100,000, which was enacted as part of the 2005 Supplemental Appropriations Act. She worked to personally raise money for the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, which built a state-of-the-art center, designed to help seriously wounded service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
From <militaryvotesmatter.com/...>
She will be a serious, dedicated Commander-in-Chief. Based on her past history, we can trust that she would take on that responsibility as a personal, profound duty and never commit troops to action without the deepest reflection. In her own words:
I believe in diplomacy. It’s often the only way to avoid conflicts that can end up exacting a much greater cost.
I believe the most sacred responsibility of a Commander-in-Chief is deciding whether to send men and women into battle. I have visited our troops in theaters of war and tension. I know how serious this is. Force must only be used as a last resort, and only with a clear and well-thought-out strategy. Our troops deserve nothing less; America expects nothing less.
I believe our troops strive to comport themselves with honor. They deserve a Commander-in-Chief who will never order them to commit war crimes.