So I'd like to draw some attention to something that isn't being reported on that much. Here is Hillary destroying a Fox News reporter over his conspiracy theories about her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and North Korea:
The Clintons are a very powerful force, and they will defend each other to the very end. They truly are 2 for the price of 1, and if anyone watches all of the above clip, you'll hear Hillary outline exactly why. I can't wait until these two start criss-crossing the country, ripping the GOP in every corner of our nation. The Clintons have pledged to support and rally Democrats from up and down the ticket, building the Democratic Party in every corner of the U.S.A -- local governments, state governments, school boards, etc. The Clintons are trying to build an infrastructure that will last decades. Supposedly, the Clinton ground game is methodical -- she's leading by 30 in Iowa.
The Clintons are the only couple that has ever had a shot at reaching the very tip top TWICE.
Say what you will about her evolution on some issues [evolutions men such as Obama and Biden are given passes on] -- she truly has faced the brunt of many of the ideological battles in the last 30 years [most notably through her fight on universal health care]. Yet she still prevailed and helped create and pass the Children's Health Insurance Program, giving 8 million American children health insurance. Her commitment to middle-class families and children has remained steady and consistent throughout her entire life.
In this same Q&A, Hillary ponders exactly how the GOP plans to deport millions of people from the United States of America. Her political messaging and brilliance, on the spot, shines here:
Hillary Rodham Clinton on Inhumane GOP Deportation:
"Well, I’m glad you asked me that, because I know that there are some on the other side who are seriously advocating to deport 11, 12 million people who are working here. I find it the height of irony that a party, which espouses small government, would want to unleash a massive law enforcement effort – including, perhaps, National Guard and others – to go and literally pull people out of their homes and their workplaces, round them up, put them – I don’t know – in buses, boxcars, in order to take them across our border. I just find that – not only absurd, but appalling. And that’s why I support comprehensive immigration reform – I have for years. I supported it when I was in the Senate; I support it very strongly now. And it was a deep disappointment to me that when there was a bipartisan agreement voted on by the Senate to do just what we needed – a comprehensive immigration reform that included a – an earned path to citizenship – that the House would not even give it a vote. So I will – I will oppose, in every way I can, what I consider to be nothing but a political stunt; and will also raise questions, as I’m doing today, about what the realities of that kind of claim actually are."
Hillary also isn't afraid of the NRA or gun nuts [didn’t Bernie Sanders vote AGAINST the Brady Bill…!?!?]. Hillary vows to “take it on” as President, despite guns being a political, polarizing issue in America:
Hillary Rodham Clinton on gun violence in America:
“We have got to do something about gun violence in America, and I will take it on.
There are many people who face it and know it, but then turn away because it’s hard. It’s a very political, difficult issue in America. But I believe we are smart enough, we are compassionate enough to figure out how to balance the legitimate Second Amendment rights with preventive measures and control measures so that…we will not see more deaths—needless, senseless deaths. …
There is so much that if guns were not so readily available, if we had universal background checks…that maybe we could prevent this kind of carnage. So I hope that in addition to expressing sympathy for those directly affected, that this is maybe—for the media, for the public, for elected officials, for every American—what it hopefully will finally take for us to act.”
Hillary has also called out Donald Trump since his very first dehumanizing and derogatory comments towards immigrants and women. Clinton even defended Megyn Kelly.
Hillary is one of the few people that isn't afraid to go toe-to-toe with Mr. Trump and call him out for his disgusting comments. He may have bodyguards that kick out journalists in his fantasy Fascist news conference, but I wouldn't want to mess with the Secret Service :p Hillary will never be intimidated by Mr. Trump. And the way she balances between mocking him and calling out his hate is the perfect way to destroy him politically. I can't wait for the Clinton machine to kick into high-gear and really hit him where it hurts. This clown needs to go bankrupt a few more companies and make some more products in China.
Mr. Trump inherited his success from his families wealth [200+ million dollars], unlike the Clintons who built their success side-by-side, dating back to their days at Yale Law and Hillary’s work at the Children’s Defense Fund. The Clintons, not Trump, embody the American dream of working your way from the bottom to the top [and they are the only couple that has ever had a chance of reaching the top twice]. Trump was born on third base but thinks he hit a triple.
Watching Hillary troll Mr. Trump is very satisfying, I must admit:
Hillary Clinton defends Planned Parenthood and mocks Donald Trump on women’s issues. Clinton said GOP policies on women “dead wrong in 21st century America” -- ridicules them for saying she’s playing the “gender card.”
HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON:“Today, the party of Lincoln has become the party of Trump.”
Oh, and she seems eager to appear before the GOP witch-hunt committees to set the record straight on her e-mails and Benghazi: